e packs of thin turkey slices aren’t only for sandwiche
. TURKEY IN LETTUCE Those packs of thin turkey slices aren’t only for sandwiches. you’ll wrap a slice during a piece of lettuce to form webapex.net it low-carb. to form it more interesting, add a touch of mustard. low-carb snacks for Diabetics celery westernmagazine.org spread 2. CELERY AND spread Celery’s boring. We all realize it . But it are often a vessel for things that aren’t boring, like spread . Slices of celery covered in spread may be a quick, conveni ysin.org ent low-carb snack. low-carb snack nuts 3. UNSALTED NUTS Nuts are great for people with diabetes. They’re low-carb and filled with good fats that protect you from heart condition . Just avoid the salted varieties. low-carb snack cheese apple 4. APPLE AND CHEESE Your average apple contains roughly between 10 and 15g o...